
Hiring - Simplified

Fills out the W4, I9, and other disclosure documents in under 2 minutes. Cutting down the time in the registration line. All the forms, all at once, entered and imported into your payroll system.

More About firstDay

Harvest Clock

Payroll - Connected

By scanning barcodes to count or weigh units, uploading live data, the farmer can view data on what is happening in the field. This data will generate payroll much easier and quicker.

More About Harvest Clock


Problems - Targeted

Via Harvest Clock we know how much is produced, where it comes from and who picks it. We build a chain of custody that gives the customer visibility. If there is a problem with the fruit, it can be located to the source.

More About Traceability

Proven – At Work

Roxy Fernandez

H.R. Manager - River Valley Orchards

“You guys taking the time, coming here when we needed you. Carlos was here at 4 AM, AND BROUGHT ME BREAKFAST! That is like an A+! ”

Ami MacHugh

Owner - Jackass Mt. Ranch

“ We can come in and pay 600 people after an hour or two after we’ve done 21 days of harvest and run the checks, and it’s in a pretty pile. “

Adam Walser

Farm Manager - Willow Wind Farms

"Everything from the field guys to the confidence the pickers have in that they are getting treated fairly and that they are getting paid what they deserve”

Dawn Shear

Head of Accounting - Finely Cherries

“The first (other competitor) software we used, we actually had to go back through and clean and sort data. We didn’t need that with Harvest Clock. I actually cut down my staff.”

i.Farm, Inc. is a Washington State based tech company, focused on tools and technologies for farmers of pollinated crops.

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